Notre nettoyeur laser SHARK P CL
Présentation du nettoyeur laser polyvalent SHARK : Nettoyage efficace et précis de diverses surfaces
nettoyage laser :
A. Êtes-vous fatigué de passer des heures interminables à nettoyer différentes surfaces ? Ne che
Pulsar Laser
Summary: Pulsar Laser manufactures and sells laser cleaning machines that can remove contaminants like rust, paint, mold, and dirt from various materials including metal, wood, stone, plastic, and more. Their product line includes the Excalibur, Shark, Panda, and Fox models.
I. Úvod do laserových ?istiacich strojov
- ?o in abhängigkeit laserové ?istenie a ako funguje?
- Výhody laserového ?istenia v porovnaní s pieskovaním a chemickým ?istením
II. Laser PULSAR - líder Vanadium technol&oac
The FOX P CL 1500A is the only air-cooled high-performance laser cleaner on the market.
The FOX P CL 1500A can be used again shortly after commissioning. With the very thin laser beam, the laser cleaners can quickly and efficiently remove rust from the smallest cleaning surfaces.